So sorry for lack updates for the past 5 days. Actually, i've been busy with our marriage contract / wedding ceremony preparations. Pada mulanya, aku memang & teruja baNgat nak update sikit-sikit kat blog ni, tapi memang takda masa sangat-sangat, almaklumlah detik-detik terindah semakin hampir.. But mostly is 'Aku' lah the main planner for this ceremony, hehehe. Every weekend is occupied dengan macam-macam benda nak settle untuk majlis akad nikah & persandingan ni nanti. Anyway, Alhamdulillah everything went very well as what me planned it to be. Thank God sebab dipermudahkan Tuhan untuk melaksanakan segala urusan yang berkaitan seperti yang diimpikan dan berjalan dengan lancar sekali setakat hari ini. hehehe.
In the next entry, i'll update more on the preparation ceremony specifically k. =)
Leeyanarahman Chineese New Year Collection 2020
5 years ago
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